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- F to PAL Insert
- Fits for Clipsal C2000, 2000 Series, SC2000 Slimline, Saturn 4031-4036VH Series Wall Plates
- Fits QCE Wall Plates and Wall Plates Plates
- Fits Connected Switchgear GEO, Luna and Basix Range Wall Plates
To Fit This Mech, you may buy the following series plates below:
QCE WS1/CP to WS6/CP Wall Plates
Connected PB1 to PB6, B-PB1 to B-PB6 Wal Plates
Clipsal C2031VH to C2036VH Wall Plates
Clipsal SC2031VH to SC2036VH Wall Plates
Clipal Saturn 4031VH to 4036VH Plates
BOX QTY: 50 ($2.20 - Check Quantity Discount Tab)